It is the duty of every student to follow the rules and regulation of the college and to maintain discipline and decorum in all places and under all circumstances.
Every student shall attend theory & practical classes regularly and punctually. The students must complete assignments, project work or term work whichever is given by the concerned subject faculty.
The students are expected to participate actively in all departmental activities and other college events.
The students must not damage the college property like furniture, college building, laboratory instruments, books, magazines etc. In the case of any damage to the college property, strict disciplinary action will be taken.
Writing on walls, doors, windows, pillars, toilets, furniture or black boards is strictly prohibited. The students should maintain the cleanliness and tidiness of the college premises.
The students must switch off fans and lights when they leave the class rooms.
The students are responsible for their personal belongings including laptop, smart watch, mobile phone, hand bang etc. The college will not be responsible for the loss of any personal belongings of the students.
Smoking, use of alcohol and drugs are strictly prohibited in the college premises. The students must not enter the College drunk.
Ragging/teasing/harassing/using abusive language in any form or involvement in any fight/skirmishes within the campus or nearby the College premises is punishable offense.
The students shall always wear identity cards issued by the college with tags and show them as and when demanded by the Principal, teachers or office staff/security staff.
The students should not invite or encourage outsiders including police and media to enter the college campus without the written permission of the Principal.
If a student or a group of students or the entire students have any grievance of any kind what so ever, it should be brought to the attention of the Grievance Redressal Cell of the College. The link for application for redressal of grievance/s is
The students have to park their vehicles only at the allotted space at their own risk.
The students must read the College notice board on regular basis for various updates/notices related to academic or administrative activities or programmes. If any student misses the notice, he/she will be responsible for the consequences arising out of that.
The students suffering from any contagious diseases are advised not to attend the College. In this case, the concerned student has to inform to the HoD of the department via phone or email.
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Government Science College, Vankal | Proudly created by Green